Region of the electromagnetic spectrum extending from about
This is the
wavelength region to which the human eye is sensitive.
There are no precise limits for the spectral range of visible radiation since
they depend upon the amount of
radiant power reaching the retina and on the responsivity
of the observer.
PAC, 2007, 79, 293
(Glossary of terms used in photochemistry, 3rd edition (IUPAC Recommendations 2006))
on page 439
Cite as:
IUPAC. Compendium of Chemical Terminology, 2nd ed. (the "Gold Book"). Compiled by
A. D. McNaught and A. Wilkinson. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford (1997).
XML on-line corrected version: (2006-) created by M. Nic,
J. Jirat, B. Kosata; updates compiled by A. Jenkins. ISBN 0-9678550-9-8.