The state of a polymer solution for which the second
virial coefficient is zero.
In some respects, a polymer solution in the θ state resembles an ideal solution and
the θ state may be referred to as a pseudo-ideal state. However, a solution in the
θ state must not be identified with an ideal solution.
The solvent involved is often referred to as 'θ solvent'.
It is assumed that the molar mass of the polymer is high.
Cite as:
IUPAC. Compendium of Chemical Terminology, 2nd ed. (the "Gold Book"). Compiled by
A. D. McNaught and A. Wilkinson. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford (1997).
XML on-line corrected version: (2006-) created by M. Nic,
J. Jirat, B. Kosata; updates compiled by A. Jenkins. ISBN 0-9678550-9-8.